we transform motion
“After having back surgery six years ago, I had really gotten weak in my core. I was fearful of doing anything that might cause further injury. I began working out with the Pilates reformer three years ago. I have never been as strong as I am now. I have enjoyed getting stronger in my core, arms and legs. The reformer keeps me from hurting myself by having constant correction as I do the exercises. I feel it is the one thing I will continue doing because I really enjoy it.”
“Feeling stronger....to quote Rocky. Well not that strong, but I feel better than I have in a long time and sleep better too. My favorite thing is that in the past week I have had 3 people comment on how I look like I’ve lost a lot of weight! Not a pound, but the Pilates Reformer has toned my body in the right places.”
“I love the convenient location of the studio- so close to I-65. The personal touch of the instructors as well as the location make it a perfect exercise solution for me.”
“The last two years I have been working in studio to try to stay a few steps ahead of the aging process (a challenge)! During the classes I have been working on improving my balance, the flexibility of my joints, and strengthening my core . This process is important to me because I have degenerative disc disease. I am finding that during times when my back has a problem, the length of duration and debilitation is much shorter now. I feel stronger after each session. I need this corrective exercise in my life. So glad to have this place. Seventy and Holding!”
“I have been told all my life to stand up straight, at 5ft10in, I would try but it would never last long. I have had atrocious posture. After 15 years in the dental profession, my posture became worse, to the point of chronic back pain. I can NOW attribute my beautiful posture to Pilates and the Reformer. I feel better as I stand tall. I am stronger and can work all day without pain. The studio is my accountability and motivation. I enjoy pilates, I love the results.”